Use SEO to build your digital presence on Google, Bing, and Yahoo!

Search Engine Optimization refers to the process of making your website more likely to be seen in the results, and more likely to bring users to your website. It’s also known as Google Search Engine Ranking Factors.

You can include different methods in your SEO strategy depending on the size of your business and its needs, as shown in this infographic:

Create a Corporate Identity

For a business to survive, it must be perceived as a credible brand and be seen as a trustworthy one in its peers. In order to accomplish this, it’s essential to find a way to describe your brand with its own unique name.

At first, brands tend to be descriptive and short, but as more and more people become aware of the concept of SEO, they begin to use long words, phrases, and jargon that resemble others on their various websites. Use this as an opportunity to transform your brand identity into an effective and memorable corporate-name-for-your-business phrase, and if you’re interested in this, you can get a fantastic read about this subject in this area here.

Once your business logo and name are set, consider adding new tags on your website to indicate your brand, as shown in this infographic.

Increase Profitability with Trustful Linking

It’s important to understand the difference between trust and positive SEO linkbuilding. The term ‘trust’ is used to define the quality of links that a site provides to other sites. The opposite term is ‘positive SEO’, which refers to an association between your website and a particular URL. In other words, if a competitor of yours links to your site, but links to a competitor’s website instead, then that’s negative SEO.

In a successful SEO strategy, you must increase the ‘trust’ of your website links to provide to your audience the best possible experience. If you get the impression that a link is taken out of context in relation to your content, you’ll reduce the value of your link and lower your overall authority.

In order to understand the differences between trust and positive SEO, take a look at these four case studies:

Link to Content to Increase Traffic

Google sees links as two-way communication, which is a positive aspect. Having a quality backlink in your URL, however, gives a larger and more positive impact on your SEO campaign.

Content is easily found online through the search engines, and it’s a strategy that will provide you with great results. The key is to make your content more visible to Google, which will help improve your rankings by adding a higher number of links in the SERPs. The following image shows how Google’s algorithm works when considering a site’s link profile:

Optimize Images and Tables for Google Images and Google Tables

The best image in an SEO campaign is also the first one that the users who land on your site in search results. Using optimized images and tables will make your website stand out from the competition.

While the keyword-optimization stage is useful, as long as your website is optimized for search engines, you don’t have to take it to the extreme. With the help of images and tables, you can increase your visibility and the reach of your website to users searching on Google.

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